Kōkiri Marae Keriana Olsen Trust


Kōkiri Marae - Mission Statement



The premises occupied by Kokiri Marae at 7–9 Barnes Street, Seaview was built by the American Government during the second world war as a storage shed and then later sold to the New Zealand Government.

In 1977 Kara Puketapu was appointed as the Secretary of Māori Affairs and was instrumental in implementing the Tū Tangata Policy. The policy centered on community based Māori development, the promotion of Māori cultural and economic advancement through encouraging self reliance and self determination.

Central to the initial Tū Tangata implementation, the approach was to set up a network of Kōkiri centres, the first of which was set up here at Kōkiri Seaview in 1979. As the First Kōkiri Centre, the focus was on working to address issues of unemployment, gangs, high involvement in the justice system, low academic achievement as well as cultural knowledge and participation in the economy. Kōkiri began providing employment based training programs, Te Reo classes, carving, weaving and whakapapa classes.

The Māori Womens Welfare League, Māori Wardens, Māori Affairs Community Workers all played an important role in shaping and supporting the direction that Kokiri was to take.

The need to provide tangihanga services significantly changed the role and functions of the centre, as Kōkiri took on the traditional role of an urban marae, catering for whānau, hapū and all iwi. Kokiri advanced from a Kokiri Centre to become Kokiri Marae.

The role of the Keriana Olsen cannot be overstated. Keriana was the driving force behind the development of Kōkiri Marae. Her leadership, commitment, dedication, vision and belief in all whānau especially those that are struggling to make ends meet, trying to navigate their way through government bureaucracy and the justice system to those that needed a listening ear, a place to rest and a shoulder to cry on were all entitled to a helping hand.

It was Keriana Olsen and her dedication to the people that led to the government presenting her with a QSM. On her death, the Marae Trustees changed the name from Kōkiri Marae to Kōkiri Marae Keriana Olsen Trust in recognition of her dedication to the kaupapa.

Kokiri Marae has continued to grow and evolve and now includes 3 Kōhanga Reo, Level One MSD Accreditation to provide services to Whānau, Education and Training Services and Hauora Services.


Kokiri Marae Hireage

Kokiri Marae hireage information

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Kōhanga Reo

Mokopuna are totally immersed in Māori language and Tikanga (culture) from birth through to the age of six.

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Kōkiri Marae Health and Social Services


Kōkiri Marae Health & Social Services - Mission Statement

Committed to the Holistic Well being of Whānau, Hapū and Iwi


Essential social and education services have been offered from Kōkiri Marae from early in its inception until the present day. The earliest services offered at Kōkiri targeted those most at risk within the Māori community under the auspices of the Tū Tangata Programme that was initiated by the then Māori Affairs Department in the early 1960’s.

Teresea Olsen who is the current General Manager of the Hauora, formalised the Social Services in 1980 by offering front line services, support, counseling and advocacy for and on behalf of Māori individuals and their whānau.



Hōtaka Taitamariki

Providing a fun, therapeutic and educational programme for tamariki aged 8 - 14 years

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Mana Taiohi

A school transition programme for rangatahi in the Wainuiomata area.

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Sexual and Reproductive Health Services

Supporting whanau to healthy lifestyles

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Tama Tū Tama Ora

For Māori men who have the courage to change. To acknowledge and own their violence and the impact it has on their wahine, tamariki and whānau

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Te Ao Marama

For Māori women who have the courage to acknowledge and own their violence and the impact that has on their tane, tamariki and whānau.

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Tihei Rangatahi

Enhancing the well being of Rangatahi

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Car Seat Rent to Own Scheme

Supporting safer whānau environments

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Kaumātua/Pakeke Services

A support service that assists kuia and koroua Māori to improve their independence and quality of life

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Outreach Diabetes Service

Information and support about the Annual Review process, the diabetes tests and examinations.

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Outreach Immunisation Service

Supporting whānau who are unable to have immunisations done at a medical centre for various reasons

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Whānau Ora Hapū Māmā (Aukati)

My baby is Māori and Smokefree

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Kaupapa Māori

Rangatahi Tū Rangatira National Programme

R2R encourages rangatahi māori participation in all sports and physical activities with a focus on Māori games and the use of Māori values and tikanga.

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Social Services

Caregiving for Tamariki

Providing aroha and manaakitanga to a child or young person.

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Kati te Tūkino

Supporting Violence Free Whānau

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Wainuiomata Whānau Support Services

Providing social support services to whānau residing in Wainuiomata

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Phone 0508 KOKIRI - [email protected]

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