Te Hauora Runanga o Wairarapa
Te Hauora Runanga o Wairarapa was established in 1985 as a community support service for Māori Health in the Wairarapa region. It grew from initiatives developed by Māori Health workers seeking to establish a more focussed approach to the delivery of community health services. Te Hauora has maintained extensive networks, both with Māori and non-Māori providers and community, and it adopts a 'kaupapa Māori; approach to support.
Ngā Ratonga - Services
- Alcohol & Other Drugs
- Mental Health/Oranga Hinengaro
- Rongoā /Mirimiri
- Whānau Ora Kaiarahi
- Youth Peer Support
- YDP (Youth Development Programme)
- Ngā Kete - A continuum of wellbeing support, treatment, therapy and promotes early detection and intervention for mental health and addiction issues.
- Out of Gate - Assist the reintegration of tangata that have served time of been in remand at any prison within the Wellinton, Wairarapa, Manawatū area.
- YMHA (Youth Mental Health & Addictions)
- Whānau Resilience - 3–6-week program for rangatahi to identify the root cause of violence and support long term healing through karakia, Waiata, art, Rongoā and AOD education.
Whakapā Mai - Contact Us
Physical Address: Cnr 101 Chapel and Jackson Street
Postal Address: PO Box 728 Masterton
Phone: 06 378 0140
Free phone: 0800 666 744
Referral E-mail: [email protected]
Website: https://tehauora.org.nz/