

Haakuitanga Haakorotanga Parenting Programme

Haakuitanga Haakorotanga Parenting Programme is a Māori parenting skills programme that gives Māori parents understanding of, and learning in effective parenting skills.

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Incredible Years Parenting Programme

Incredible Years is a 14-18 session programme for parents of children aged 3-8, which helps parents turn behaviour around and create an enjoyable and harmonious family life.

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Sexual and Reproductive Health Services

Supporting whanau to healthy lifestyles

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Tama Tū Tama Ora

For Māori men who have the courage to change. To acknowledge and own their violence and the impact it has on their wahine, tamariki and whānau

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Te Ao Marama

For Māori women who have the courage to acknowledge and own their violence and the impact that has on their tane, tamariki and whānau.

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Whakaoho Wairua

Whakaoho Wairua is an education programme for Māori women who are in, or have been in an abusive relationship.

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Well Homes

Regional Public Health, He Kainga Oranga, Sustainability Trust and Tu Kotahi Maori Asthma Trust have been contracted by the Ministry of Health to run the newly established Well Homes initiative.

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Kaupapa Māori

Karanga and Paepae Classes

We offer karanga and paepae classes

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Rangatahi Tū Rangatira National Programme

R2R encourages rangatahi māori participation in all sports and physical activities with a focus on Māori games and the use of Māori values and tikanga.

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Rangatahi Tū Rangatira

Working with Rangatahi Māori and their whānau/communities to increase physical activity and improve nutrition ensuring initiatives are aligned to the Eating and Activity Guidelines for NZ Adults provided evidence-based, population health statements on nutrition and activity, including maintaining a healthy body weight. Although focused on adults, the guidelines provide fundamental advice on healthy eating and regular activity that applies across the life-course

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Kōhanga Reo

Mokopuna are totally immersed in Māori language and Tikanga (culture) from birth through to the age of six.

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Phone 0508 KOKIRI - [email protected]

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