Nāku Ēnei Tamariki Inc. (NET) Māori Section

Nāku Ēnei Tamariki Inc. is a pro active intensive early intervention home visiting support service for young parents and their pepe.  Established in 1993, NET operates three cultural units – Māori, Pacific Island and Pākehā.  All services are confidential and free for whānau.

NET Māori section believes all pēpi and tamariki in Te Awakairangi are nurtured in all aspects of their wellbeing and development to realise their unique potential within their whānau, hapū and iwi.

NET Māori support this by providing:

2 x Home Visiting programmes, that utilise a variety of different mediums to encourage and support whānau to understand the role of parenting.  In order to provide a nurturing and safe environment for tamariki Māori.

  • Nurture, Enjoy, Teach (Early Intervention)
  • Family Start

5 x Group  programmes, that assist whānau to get the best and most suitable early learning opportunities available within their communities.  To create a greater understanding of and support network for learning in effective parenting skills.

  • Haakuitanga Haakorotanga Māori Parenting Programme
  • Incredible Years Parenting Programme
  • Maioha te Mana Mōuri
  • Awhi Mai, Awhi Atu 
  • Te Awhi o Te Rito Hapū Wānanga

The Māori Section of NET has been based at Kōkiri Marae in Seaview since its inception in 1993.


He aha te mea nui o te ao?
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata.
What is the most important thing in the world?
It is people, it is people, it is people.




Awhi Mai Awhi Atu

Awhi Mai Awhi Atu is a free service that helps whānau connect with ECE centers, supporting Māori families with children aged 3-5 in finding suitable learning opportunities.

Click here for more.....

Haakuitanga Haakorotanga Parenting Programme

Haakuitanga Haakorotanga Parenting Programme is a Māori parenting skills programme that gives Māori parents understanding of, and learning in effective parenting skills.

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Incredible Years Parenting Programme

Incredible Years is a 14-18 session programme for parents of children aged 3-8, which helps parents turn behaviour around and create an enjoyable and harmonious family life.

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Nurture, Enjoy, Teach- Early Intervention

Early Intervention is based on the principle that the first years of a child's life are important.

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Social Services

Family Start

Family Start helps families and whānau who are struggling with challenges or problems that make it harder for them to care for their baby or young child.

Click here for more.....

Phone 0508 KOKIRI - [email protected]

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